Children's Ballet Theater kicks off a month of Celebrations!
November 26, 2020
Show your support for the Children's Ballet Theater this season with safe and fun Holiday Events for the entire family!

We appreciate your support to keep our kids dancing in these very difficult financial times during COVID-19. All events directly benefit the 501c3 non-profit Children's Ballet Theater, for the movie production, and for next year's live stage event of the Children's Ballet Theater Nutcracker at the GPAC.

The Children's Ballet Theater Nutcracker highlights LIVE on Gardens Main Stage

December 6th

  • Location: Memphis Botanic Gardens Mainstage
  • Show Time: 3:30pm and/or 4:30pm
  • Ticket Price: $25 per person
  • Children ages 2 and under are free.

A portion of proceeds will be given to the Botanic Gardens. Enjoy a fun, safe night with the family as Children's Ballet Theater and Tennessee Ballet Theater present highlights from the Children's Ballet Theater Nutcracker on the mainstage in the gorgeous Botanic Gardens. Groups and families will be socially distanced together in sections provided with chairs. Following performances your ticket gains entrance to the Holiday Wonders Light Show which starts at 5:00 pm. You have the choice to enjoy both stage shows or one. Enter at the main lobby entrance to the Gardens.

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Movie Premiere and Fundraising event

December 8th

  • Location: Malco Summer Drive-In
  • Movie Time: Gates open 6:15 pm. The movie starts at 7:00 pm sharp and is one hour.
  • Ticket Price: $35 per person
  • Children ages 2 and under are free.

This unique, beautifully filmed movie is a must-see event for all the family or for ballet film fans on the big screen. The classical ballet story tells the timeless tale of Clara and her beloved Nutcracker Doll as she is transported through time. It features delightful children and teens of the Children's Ballet Theater, dancers of Tennessee Ballet Theater, gorgeous costumes, and breathtaking Memphis scenery. Directed and written by Mary Van Dyke, Erin Walter, and filmmaker Michael Perry. Arrive early at 6:15 pm to get a good spot and enjoy in the car, or set up your lawn chair! Concessions available. Your ticket purchase directly supports our non-profit Children's Ballet Theater Nutcracker performances to keep our kids dancing.

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Nutcracker Vignettes in
the Botanic Holiday Wonders and The Children's Ballet Theater Nutcracker Movie

December 13th

  • Location: Memphis Botanic Gardens
  • Nutcracker Movie Time: 4:45-5:45 pm The movie will be shown on a medium screen near the mainstage.
  • Holiday Wonders Light Show with Nutcracker Vignettes time: 6:00 pm
  • Ticket Price: $25 per person
  • Children ages 2 and under are free.  (A portion of proceeds will be given to the Botanic Gardens)

A fun family holiday event open to the public! Enjoy the Nutcracker movie and then watch the characters come to life in the gardens and My Big Backyard light show with live Nutcracker vignettes such as Clara, Wind-up Dolls, and more! Groups and families will be socially distanced together in chair sections for the movie. Enter at the main lobby entrance.

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